We are the only Asia Pacific consultancy providing HireSense – a holistic insight tool, purpose built for recruitment, employee development and performance growth.
HireSense is a data-driven system allowing you to streamline your hiring and selection process, by conducting behavioural assessments, providing you with deeper insights about each candidate you screen.
With access to this unique system, you will be able to compare candidate scores, giving you insight into important information like risks and relevancies, and the ability to dive deeper before interviews, by tailoring your candidate interview questions and to make unbiased selections.
HireSense allows you to build optimal candidate benchmarks for specific positions against 3 statistically validated assessments:
- Behavioural Style – Providing insights into a candidate’s behavioural tendencies and how they fit the needs of the position, as well as an awareness of potential challenges.
- Motivational Style – Measuring a candidate’s performance, by ensuring their motivations are satisfied by the position and company culture. Alignment in this area fuels passion and increases engagement.
- Thinking Style – Allowing you to understand the candidate’s ability to process information. Thinking Style is directly linked to strengths and potential blocks to performance.
We offer both self-serve and done-for-you options.
Self-serve – We can train you and provide you with access to HireSense, so you can conduct research yourself. This is a great option for both business owners and agencies wanting to take advantage of this innovative tool with a hands-on approach.
Done-for-you – We can also conduct all HireSense assessments for you, according to your goals.
Yes – You can request your recruitment agency use HireSense to validate their shortlist.
Contact us and we can advise on the best approach.
HireSense is a great way of providing a more complete service for clients.
We can help train you and provide you with access to this exciting new tool.
Some of our most popular sessions are: –
- Management and/or Leadership Development
- Self-Awareness & Personal Development
- Managing a Remote Workforce
- Team Building – Communication & Team Effectiveness
- Enhancing Sales & Customer Service
- Conflict Resolution
- Identifying & Selecting the Right People
DISC is the world’s most popular behavioural assessment tool, measuring the energy you put into handling problems, influencing people, steadying the environment and how you comply with rules.
How can understanding DISC benefit me and my business?
As Master Certified Practitioners, we will teach you how to identify the behavioural styles of others and adapt communication styles to increase sales and customer service levels, solve conflict, assemble teams, target new hires, develop “rockstar” leaders, and more.
We sure do. Being DISC Master Certified Practitioners, we offer 3 levels of DISC training courses, and they are: –
Refresher Course is for those who are accredited in DISC and are looking to update their knowledge and learn how to best use the great range of latest DISC tools available.
Certification Course is for those new to DISC and are looking to gain a knowledge of DISC that will help you interpreting assessment results.
Accreditation is for those new to DISC and want to be globally certified and recognised for their knowledge. With this level of training, you will be able to distribute and interpret assessment reports, facilitate your own workshops and coaching sessions, plus you will have access to our full range of DISC training resources. Accreditation level courses are one-on-one, instructor-led sessions, and delivered in a blended learning format of online and face-to-face via Zoom.
The letters in DISC stand for:
D – Dominance
I – Influence
S – Steadiness
C – Conscientiousness
DISC provides a short description of an individual, custom-designed in 10 to 15 minutes. It helps you to recognise your own style, giving you tools to become the best version of yourself, by developing your strengths, while recognising and modifying your limitations.
Our DISC has high statistical accuracy, validity, reliability through studies over many years. The best measure of validity is YOU – does it represent how others see you behaving at least 80+% of the time?
If there is inaccuracy, it is typically caused by human errors – time, focus, objectivity. If you think too much, take too long, focus on more than one area or try to trick the instrument, the results could be inaccurate. It’s best to do it quickly, without too much analysing, and go with your natural response or gut feeling.
Do you have the same attitudes, beliefs, and values? Are you living the same life? DISC is a snapshot of how you see yourself in the activity, focus, and environment which you are answering. As you think, so you are. Behaviour is always affected by the decisions you are making and may not make, and you can choose to change. However, your natural tendencies may be more consistent.
Your style is the best! All styles have unique strengths and challenges.
We all have different biases, preferences, motivations/values, critical thinking skills, experience, education, and intelligence levels that influence our behaviour. DISC is a combination of nature and nurture, so we all have had different things shape us. The same way that we all have different hair or prefer different flavours of ice cream, we all act and communicate in different ways. Plus, we need all four styles in the world to be as effective as possible.
Yes, our reports are audited by the Assessment Standards Institute and are maintained to the highest standards of development and application through extensive research, and we diligently work to validate and ensure our reports are accurate. Each report is designed to provide clear interpretations and feedback based on the individual’s self-perception score that is then confirmed with face validity (to ensure the assessment measures what it says it will measure).
We also practice a philosophy of transparency and openly share our rigorous reporting, research, and validation information to ensure a high degree of confidence for use in business, non-profit, coaching, or counselling.
DISC has been around for a long time!
The 4 quadrant distinctions have roots in the ancient four humours theory, but it was Hippocrates around 400BC who brought it to medical theory with the four temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. Each were associated to certain moods, emotions, and behaviours. Many others also shaped our modern view of temperaments.
In the 1920’s Freud and Jung first began studying human behaviour. Dr William Moulton Marston was the first to conduct research on the emotions of normal people, and he developed the four behaviour types in 1928 that precede what we use today: D-Dominance, I- Inducement, S-Submission and C- Compliance. He taught DISC literacy, and how to understand observable clues to tell their story as well as what motivates the primary style. Although Will Marston contributed to the creation of the DISC assessment, he did not create it or even intend to use DISC as an assessment.
It was Walter Clarke in 1956 who created the DISC assessment based on Martson’s theory. About 10 years later, the first self-description test was used asking respondents to choose between terms to identify their style. There have been many versions of the DISC model and the assessment tool used, with varying degrees of validity and reliability.
MBTI is more complicated for the average person, and DISC is more intuitive to read and understand. With DISC, a coach isn’t necessary to explain – it’s only 4 styles that are very simple and practical. MBTI is 16 combinations of 4 different letters.
MBTI is also a psychological assessment, DISC is a needs-based, observable behaviour and emotion. DISC is self-assessment, and MBTI is evaluated by another party.