10 Reasons to Pursue a DISC Certification

In this article, we’ll explore 10 compelling reasons why pursuing a DISC certification can be a game-changer for your career and organisation. From improving conflict resolution to fostering better customer relations, and even driving personal growth, DISC provides invaluable insights and tools for success. Ready to unlock your potential? Let’s dive in! 1. Enhanced Understanding […]

DISC Assessment Results Across the World

Every year, millions of individuals worldwide complete a DISC Assessment, a popular tool for enhancing self-understanding and improving interpersonal relationships. The DISC model categorizes personality traits into Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness, helping individuals gain insights into their behaviours and personalities. Recently, we collaborated with Assessments 24×7 to explore whether trends in DISC styles vary […]

The Power of Combining DISC & Motivators Assessments

Self-awareness and understanding interpersonal dynamics are essential components of personal and professional development. Two popular tools that aid in these areas are the Motivators Assessment and the DISC Assessment. Though both are designed to enhance self-awareness, they focus on different aspects of personality and behaviour, providing unique insights into what drives individuals and how they […]

Building Productive Teams: A Holistic Approach to Results and Relationships

In today’s fast-paced work environment, building productive teams is crucial for achieving organisational success. However, productivity is not solely about focusing on results—it’s about understanding and valuing each other. A team that thrives combines a result-oriented mindset with strong interpersonal relationships, ensuring long-term success and a positive work atmosphere. The DISC model, which categorises behavioural […]

Elevate Your Coaching Skills with DISC Certification

In today’s dynamic and multifaceted workplace, understanding human behaviour is key to fostering effective communication, enhancing teamwork, and driving organizational success. The DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance) assessment, a powerful tool for gauging behavioural styles, has become increasingly popular in both corporate and personal development spheres. Becoming DISC certified offers a wealth of benefits, empowering […]

Resilience is what empowers us to bounce back quickly

There has been quite a bit talk around the topic of resilience lately and understandably, given the events experienced in both our personal and business environments this year. So, why is resilience important? It is what give us our ‘bounce’ that sense of energy and focus. It is also what empowers us to quickly bounce […]

Workplace Miscommunication: “You Offended Me!”

Using DISC assessments to settle or pre-empt workplace miscommunication can go a long way. However, there are some general communication dos and dont’s that it helps to keep in mind. Leadership expert and business coach, Tammy Holyfield covers her top FIVE recommendations for avoiding workplace miscommunication in this week’s Platinum Rules for Success story! Workplace […]

How to Grow Star Performers

At some point, every leader has thought to themselves, “I wish I could clone my star performers so all my workers were as good as he/she is.” What if there was a method to get you closer to that wish? That wish might feel more like a magic trick! However this week’s author and American […]

Leave a Lasting Impression in Customer Service

Leaving a lasting impression might be one of the easiest and most important ways to ensure customer loyalty. This week’s story discusses the how and the why behind the concept and what a difference it can make for your company. The effort is minimal and the benefits are great. As you will learn in this […]

Reduce Bias and Discrimination Using Assessments

When we hear “bias” and “discrimination,” most of us associate those as words with negative connotation – unjust, prejudice, unfair, and unreasoned. However, by definition, bias can be either good or bad and discrimination is simply a kind of discernment. It is the act of how these are applied that determines their positive or negative […]